About Us
Our History
Crop Packaging Systems based in Gorey, Co Wexford, Ireland is part of the Signode brand, an industrial packaging company headquartered in Chicago since its establishment in the Windy City in 1912. The company has grown and diversified its portfolio of enterprises to include the manufacture of strapping, slip-sheets, corner-boards and pallet wrapping film. It also manufactures the machinery to apply these products and among its brands are Octopus, Mima and Strapex.
Producing Silawrap since 1996.
Crop Packaging Systems began operations in Gorey in 1996 manufacturing Silawrap Mima and pallet wrapping films. While the UK and Ireland account for more than 60% of Silawrap sales, over 16 million rolls have, to date, been manufactured and sold worldwide.

Silawrap Quality
Designed with quality in mind our products are underpinned by the Silawrap Guarantee. This quality delivers immediate environmental benefits. Using Net Replacement Film (NRF) the farmer reduces substantially the number of rolls and wraps needed to keep the bale in position, while ensuring the strongest protection from UV and extreme weather conditions.
Using the best quality materials Silawrap is produced from polyethylene resins made from oil and gas. Crop Packaging Systems selects its resins for elasticity and strength: - elasticity to cover the maximum volume, strength to resist puncture and tearing. The Linear Low Density Poly Ethylene (LLDPE) resins used in the production of Silawrap are split into C4, C6 and C8. The C8 resins have the highest number of bonds between the molecules and are, therefore, the strongest. We use 100% C8 resins. These are dearer than other materials but produce a stronger, better-quality film.